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Classic Imperial Blue (Lights) (Central EU Made)

Classic Imperial Blue (Lights) (Central EU Made)
  • Model: 8326137557
  • In Stock
  • 84 Reviews
    Sale: USD$20.00
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Made in: Central Europe

Classic cigarettes brand produced by famous Europe Ukraine Tobacco Company, "Reemtsma - Kiev Tobacco Factory". In the production of Classic cigarettes the tobacco producers had used modern technologies in order to make the name of this cigarette brand to confirm and sustain the qualities.

Classic cigarettes are for Classic smokers. Classic cigarettes have a memorable tobacco taste and aroma. This cigarette product is the expression of the best quality and exceptionality. This tobacco product comprises the quality and features that cannot be expressed in simple words. This cigarette brand can be met at the pleasant price in the following assortment: Classic Blue (Light), Classic Imperial Blue (Lights), Classic Silver Super Lights, Classic Imperial Silver (Super Lights) and Classic Imperial Slims Silver (Super Lights).

Each carton contains 10 packs x 20 cigarettes
1 carton contains 200 cigarettes

1 Cartons = 10 box = 200 cigarettes

Product 2/5

Classic Blue (Light) (Central Europe Made) Cigarettes Classic Imperial Silver (Super Lights) (Central EU Made)
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  • Good Taste (16)
  • Quick (12)
  • Genuine (4)
  • Trustworthy (4)
  • Cheap (8)
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